Enemies to Lovers: The laugh-out-loud funny romcom you’ll want to escape with this summer

Enemies to Lovers: The laugh-out-loud funny romcom you’ll want to escape with this summer

Flo Greenberg: highly strung. Over-achiever. And desperate for a relaxing Greek holiday with her family.

Jamie Kramer: her brother’s best friend. Pain in the arse. And somehow on Flo’s relaxing Greek holiday too…

With two surprise weeks of sharing meals, boat trips and sun-loungers, Flo must endure the company of this irksomely chiselled Lothario. But after what happened last year, she’s determined not to let him get the better of her.

In fact, spending time with the enemy will be the perfect cure for Flo’s all-consuming anger towards Jamie, right?

(Spoiler alert: wrong…!)

Check it out!
The Village: A Novel of Wartime Crete The Women of Troy by Pat Barker It’s All Greek to Me!: A Tale of a Mad Dog and an Englishman, Ruins, Retsina – And Real Greeks The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After Midlife by Jonathan Rauch Hades: Myth, Magic & Modern Devotion by Jamie Waggoner Blue Skies & Black Olives: A Survivor’s Tale of Housebuilding and Peacock Chasing in Greece

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